135. Understanding Programmatic Sustainability with Brian O’Kelley at Scope3
Let’s first highlight some “not so fun facts” about the topic covered in this episode, according to Anne Coghlan, COO of Scope3 in Digiday (https://digiday.com/media/wtf-are-sustainability-scopes/).
Programmatic advertising creates 100,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide every month in the United States, which is equivalent to burning about 11.2 million gallons of gas.
Serving 1,000 digital ad impressions uses the same amount of energy as doing a load of laundry in a washing machine — excluding the dryer — which produces a global average of 514.8 grams of CO2.
Brian O’Kelley co-founder and CEO joins the programmatic meetup, a weekly community call to discuss the importance of sustainability and how to take actions from negotiating supply partnership down to optimizing site lists in your programmatic ad campaigns.
Our favorite quote in this interview can be summarized down to “ Don’t buy crap!”
Take a listen to this hour long interview where the community got to hear first hand what sustainability is and how to take action; asking questions to Brian under the outstanding leadership of our co-hosts Manuela Cortes and Carlos Villanueva.
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Our mission is to teach historically excluded people how to start and grow in programmatic media buying.
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00:00:20 – What do laundry and adtech have in common?
00:01:40 – At the beginning there were Ad Networks…
00:03:46 – Then there was an SSP and MySpace
00:06:15 – AdTech happens in Data centres, not in the cloud
00:08:25 – Why isn’t programmatic more sustainable after 20 years?
00:10:01 – The challenges of programmatic are bigger than sustainability and the lightbulb moment
00:12:40 – Turning off Fraud and the impact on publisher’s revenue
00:16:35 – BOK on Ads https://bokonads.com/
00:18:54 – PreBid vs. SPO
00:22:23 – Brian’s POV on e-waste on the OTT/CTV topic
00:25:40 – What responsibilities Brands have to Fraud?
00:31:40 – Introducing Climate Shield: Don’t’ Buy Crap
00:35:40 – Don’t allow resellers! A message for Pubs
00:23:40 – Is there one path more carbon efficient than the other?
00:40:10 – How Hélène take actions and apply Brian’s Wisdom for programmatic buyers
00:45:34 – Ongoing Education, Check out Greenscape from BOKonads
00:48:10 – Lazy Loading on Publishers
00:53:10 – The Inconvenient Truth
💡 Shoutout to our Hiring/recruiting partner: https://www.jobsinadtech.com/ 🌟
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Guest Information:
Brian O’Kelley
BOKonAds: https://bokonads.com/
Meet the Co-Host:
Manuela Cortes
Carlos Villanueva
About Us:
Hélène Parker Consulting LLC – We are actively accepting clients
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