115. The Current State of Programmatic Mobile with Ravit Ross at Start.IO
After a lot of scheduling work and despite the technical issues, we are joined by Ravit Ross from Start.IO. We’ll be discussing mobile-specific audience segmentation, mobile technology, mobile targeting technologies.
00:01:03 – Who is Ravit Ross
00:02:37 – Ravit’s work experience
00:04:38 – Defining Ravit’s job to a 5-year old
00:08:16 – What’s affected by the Google cookie deprecation issue
00:11:49 – Where we stand on privacy on mobile devices
00:14:42 – Advise to people in the field to ensure the privacy of users
00:16:59 – Ravit’s recommendation on dealing with providers that give fluff
00:18:50 – Addressing limitations in measurements
00:20:35 – 3 actionable insights
00:22:34 – A fun fact about Ravit Ross
Guest Information:
Ravit Ross
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ravitross/
Email: ravit.ross@start.io
Meet Our Team:
Hélène Parker – Chief Programmatic Coach
Programmatic Meet Up: https://www.heleneparker.com/programmaticmeetup/
Website: https://www.heleneparker.com/work-with-me/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/helene-parker-consulting-llc
Twitter: https://twitter.com/iamheleneparker
Programmatic Digest
Youtube: https://youtu.be/0b5LZfIDfxw
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/programmatic-digest-podcast
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/programmaticdigestpodcast/
The Reach & Frequency Course – Listeners get a 10% discount with code podcast10: https://www.reachandfrequency.live/
Alexa Gabrielle Ramos – Podcast Editor
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mkng_crafts/
Website: https://www.sandscreative.ca
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexa-gabrielle-ramos-b89047166/
S and S Creative Media – Podcast and Media Manager
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/s.and.s.creative
Website: https://www.sandscreative.ca
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/s-and-s-creative-media/