Solo Episode Highlighting Performance Metrics And More!




August 21, 2019



This week marks our 10th episode and a little bit over a month of the Programmatic Digest podcast being live.

I wanted to give you my highlights and lowlights for this first month of podcasting.

We will review goals for the podcast and performance metrics. I’ll give you a recap of the first few episodes and what to expect with the upcoming ones.




Performance Metrics:

A Unique Download is basically when someone downloads (listens) the episode for the first time. This is not a true definition as the algorithm is still being perfected. I use Libsyn as media host and they are working with iab to come up with a true way to measure uniques. For now, it is a good probabilistic metric to indicate how many time the episodes are downloaded. I only have access to limited data(for now!) and are included as follow:

  • June: 26 ( intro episode of 12 mins)
  • July: 255
  • August: 295 as of 8/19/19
  • Total 576 total downloads in 6 weeks being live.

Over 90% of the listeners are U.S. based, 5% are Europe based in countries like Spain, France, UK, Switzerland.


Key Learning and Next Steps:

Episode 7 with Matthew Silverman and episode 6 with Frost Prioleau both have the highest downloads. Looking at different aspect, I was testing a couple Instagram promotional post and did notice an increase in social engagement around the time I posted the IG videos. Similarly, I noticed an increase in engagement and downloads around the same time’s released a blog recapping the episode.

I’m going to assume that a healthy promotional effort could complement the organic momentum the show has. Especially based on the trends in engagement increase after each promotional effort. I haven’t really started promoted the show as I know best to because I want to understand audience behaviors and take care of some technical website issues.

I am looking at Podsight, a data driven measurement tool for podcasters like myself. Thanks to Ben J Shap for putting me in contact with them. This will really allow me to start tracking sexier metrics and using that data to continue improving the show.

I am also looking at inviting international guests to address that small market of listeners and to bring diverse insights.

What did you think about episode 9 with Ana Milicevic? The whole episode was focused on the highlights of AdWeek’s Nextech conference. In September, we have a guest booked and attending the Digital Marketing Expo and Conference 2019 in Cologne (DMEXPO). So you can certainly expect one of the episode content to be centered around that conference. Additionally I’ll be attending the Internet Summit in Raleigh in November and again, am looking into doing the same.

Looking to add a sign up option to receive a weekly and monthly newsletter, simply reminding listeners who choose to, whenever there’s a new episode.


Big Shoutouts:

Christina Chiarizzio from Flourish Daily, the amazing Virtual Assistant (VA) helping me get my life together, on the website admin side.

Ben J Shap, president and managing director of Benjshap LLC and host of the MarTech Podcast, who does the same once a month with his show sharing his goals and performance metrics.

Venus Liles, from Liles-Law, who’s been helping me get my life together, on the legal side, and who also donates 5% of her revenue to a charity every month. Thank you for reminding me that there are bigger things in life!

The Programmatic Digest podcast pledges to do the same as soon as we start accepting sponsorships on the show.




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