Media Consumption & Trends During The Coronavirus Outbreak With Gabriel Cohen




April 8, 2020



In the Sensei’s Corner this week, we welcome Gabriel Cohen, Account Director at SpotX.  He is a true programmatic sensei and is going over the latest in media consumption including ConnectedTV and TV viewership, media trends and spend,  and any opportunities affecting our programmatic and digital industry during the Coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak.

This week, we refer to the following articles/resources:

Connect with Gabriel Cohen on LinkedIn | Website



Article #1: The Effect of COVID-19 and How Advertisers Can Adapt: March 12-18, 2020 by Mike Evans

As the spread of COVID-19 dramatically changes daily life, the ad tech industry must figure out how to operate under rapidly changing circumstances.

Advertisers have had to react quickly to postponed sports games, canceled live events, and minimized travel activity. Some seasonal opportunities that unite audiences and drive an increase in supply—and opportunity—vanished in an instant.

Article #2: Local TV, Digital News Sites’ Usage Sharply Higher Due To COVID-19 by Friedman

Local TV newscasts and digital news visits have seen a sharp rise in usage in recent days due to issues and interest around COVID-19. Media measurement company Comscore says there was an 11% rise in viewership for local TV newscasts in the top 25 markets for the week of March 9 versus a similar period the month before for the week ending Feb. 10….

Article #3: National TV News Channels See Big Viewing Gains, CNN Soars

National cable TV news networks have seen sharp Nielsen-measured viewership gains due to COVID-19 news — with CNN posting the best percentage gains in prime time and total day viewership. For the week ending March 15, CNN is up 156% to 2.85 million prime-time viewers year-over-year…

Article #4: SSPs Tighten Their Belts Ahead of Feared Economic Contraction By Shields

While the advertising and media industries try to figure out how to operate in this new reality we all live in, sell-side ad tech is taking measures to ensure buyers can make their payments as ad budgets are being pulled and memories of recent clawbacks linger. U.S. economic activity could contract by as much as 24% next quarter, according to Goldman Sachs, with some comparing the impact of the coronavirus pandemic to the Great Depression of almost a century ago…

Article #5: OTT Ad Inventory Rises as Virus Boosts Viewing by Lafayette

With more people at home to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, over-the-top viewing is up, resulting in a 16% increase in video ad inventory, according to SpotX. The increase fits in with predictions made by Nielsen, which noted that when disasters drive consumers indoors, viewing can jump as much as 60%…

For more stats and latest on the Coronavirus: eMarketer’s Coronavirus updates

Diversity & Inclusion segment:

Gabriel Books of the Moment:


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