Yearly Archives: 2023

Programmatic Advertising Fundamentals

2023-01-16T06:21:12-05:00January 10th, 2023|Resources|

Hi there, What Programmatic Media IsAccording to Oxford Dictionary, Marketing is the action or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising.According to Economic Times, advertising is a means of communication with the consumer of a product or service. It is from the Latin verb advertere, meaning "to turn one's [...]

114. Is Media Value Based On Currency or Measurement? Seraj Bharwani Address

2023-01-10T09:44:22-05:00January 10th, 2023|Podcast|

This week we are excited to welcome Seraj Bharwani. He talks about currency and measurement. Also, this episode is where he addresses the question: Is media buying based on currency or measurement? Along with these, Seraj also touched based on brand safety.  Timestamp: 00:01:22 - Who is Seraj Bahrwani 00:04:38 [...]

113. Historical Background on Cookie Targeting with Nish Desai

2023-01-04T16:16:13-05:00January 4th, 2023|Podcast|

In the Sensei’s Corner this week, we welcome Nish Desai, director of technology and partnership with Xaxis. Founded in 2011, Xaxis is a programmatic media company that empowers its clients to reach out to their customers through different touchpoints. Today’s episode was recorded just short of a year ago, and we discussed when Google [...]

What is Progammatic Activation?

2022-12-28T17:01:18-05:00January 2nd, 2023|Resources|

Hi there, Running a programmatic team is anything but automated.Let’s define what programmatic media activation even means. If you know me, you know I am big on words and definitions, as we all hear the same thing (sometimes) but comprehend differently.According to Oxford languages, Activation is the action or process of making something active or [...]

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