Monthly Archives: May 2022

How Close Is The Industry To A Cookieless Future

2022-05-11T17:29:39-04:00May 18th, 2022|Resources|

Announcement Of The week: I will be attending Progio Las Vegas NEXT WEEK where I will be presenting on The New Fundamentals Of Programmatic Activation. If you are going to attend, make sure to message me on LinkedIn or email me to set up some time to say hi 😬 Register today and use code [...]

Time To Reimagine The Purpose Of Going Back Into Office

2022-05-11T15:14:16-04:00May 11th, 2022|Resources|

Announcement Of The week: I will be attending Progio Las Vegas on May 23-25 where I will be presenting on The New Fundamentals Of Programmatic Activation. If you are going to attend, make sure to message me on LinkedIn or email me to set up some time to say hi 😬 Register today and use [...]

84. The Importance of DEI and Networking In Programmatic Media With TWIPN

2022-05-12T15:59:18-04:00May 11th, 2022|Podcast|

What is the tweet version of today’s podcast:  Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion isn’t something you can DIY (Do It Yourself). There are professionals and certified consultants you need to partner/hire but as an individual starter,  you must live it personally. PeriodT.  Simply said,  you can learn how to at [...]

83. Creating Sanity For Marketers In The Cookiepocalypse

2022-05-12T15:47:54-04:00May 6th, 2022|Podcast|

What is the tweet version of today’s podcast, according to Kevin:  The tweet version is pick two or three data points that are really important and will move the needle for you.  Make sure those data points, you can attribute those to individual consumers or clients, not channels or cookies, and then make [...]

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